Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tick Tock!

So we are three days away from the due date! We have been waiting patiently and can't wait for Baby Scott to be here! We have no idea whether we are having a boy or a girl and signs are saying it could be either. It should be an exciting week. We have been taking a lot of walks around the neighborhood and love that the Salisbury University campus is near by and we can walk through. We have done a little of the nesting and are sharing chores like normal. The baby is very active and seems ready to enter the world but for some reason hasn't made it out yet! We'll keep you posted!


Jeff and Joy Scott Family said...
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Jeff and Joy Scott Family said...

"...signs are saying it could be either."

That's a relief. I'm glad signs aren't saying it could be neither. Although since the father is a Yankees and Dolphins fan, neither is an option!