We are downsizing and selling Randy's car ! Its a Cadillac CTS 03' , it a great car !!
Julianne hard at work on her laptop April 2010
Trying to figure out how to use the mouse :)
Julianne started walking at the beginning of March. She took a few steps here and there, but then got down and crawled to where she needed to go. We would encourage her by holding her hand and helping her with her balance. Lately she has really caught on to walking, taking more and more steps on her own. Its fun to watch her learn to walk, she still is a little unsteady, her little legs are stiff and make wide steps, her arms are up helping her balance. More recently as of the middle of April, she is mainly walking!! Luckily the house isn't that big and the poor thing is encaged in the living room , but she can still get to the hallway and her room to explore.
Her personality is really starting to form, the other day when I was trying to get her away and out of the trash can, she kept getting into it, so I slapped her hand and said NO and she took her other hand and slapped my other hand and smiled. I was stunned , but didn't react. Discipline at this age is hard , because you don't know what they really understand, but then you think they need to learn at a very young age to correct the bad behavior. And they don't really know how to control their emotions or communicate what they want, so she is having more tantrums and crying spells, especially when tired or hungry! So it can become a struggle at times, but I try and compliment her when she does good things like putting the sippy cup in the cup holder and not throwing it, or putting the food she doesn't like to the corner of her tray, instead of dropping it on the floor. I know she will be testing us more and more and hopefully we will stay consistent and not give in to her. We went to a seminar for Parents on how to Help Kids Become Genuine Disciples and learned a lot of good information that will be most helpful as she is growing and becoming her own person. But it discussed how boundaries are enforced to help the child feel secure and how we need to model Christ , because we are the most influential persons in their lives and hope they will come to a personal faith with God. We really enjoyed the seminar and got a lot out of it, so hopefully that will show through in our child! :)
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