We are expecting our second little bundle of joy and are so excited to meet this new addition to the family!! Julianne is getting really excited too she likes to talk to the baby and give my belly kisses. She is a big helper these days and has been taking good care of me, especially when I complain to her and she comforts me in her own little way (rubbing my arm and telling me its going to be okay) she is such a little mother , its cute! She loves to take care of her babies and I hope she will like caring for her new sibling!! My sister n law is also expecting her 3rd in January, and we get to find out what she will be having this weekend! I never actually thought we would be pregnant together, especially only 4 weeks apart, so its been fun being pregnant together and then getting to watch our babies grow up at the same rate!! Randy and I will be having our +20 weeks sono tomorrow and will NOT be finding out the gender, Randy insists, I am alittle tempted to know this time around, but you can never be prepared for a newborn(that's what I tell myself), just hoping for a healthy baby!!! I have been feeling great and all my check ups are right on track, every time I ask the heart rate they tell me the same thing, its been 150. I'm thinking its a Girl because my pregnancy has been the same and I also want Jules to have a sister :) But we will find out in February! Hopefully I can post some sono pics soon, but here are some belly pics:)

13 weeks preggo |
16 weeks preggo after Hurrican Irene |
17 weeks preggo |
Go Pioneers! |
20 weeks preggo |
I can't wait to meet this litte one. Julianne is going to be the best big sister!
Congrats. You look great! Can't wait to hear the sex of the baby come February.
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